First night of the Last Week

Bad bar photos's - gotta love them. That was right after opening night! Woohoo! When Michelle became a raging Shirley Temple-a-holic, a bunch of us completely lost track of what sleep was all about, my kids saw one of thier last full course meals (save for non-play days), and I officially became a member of the Williams Lake Studio Theatre - HAH - can't get rid of me now.
Which brings us to - the first night of the last week of the run of Arsenic and Old Lace. Sigh. No more old lady makeup, no more grabbing Norma's skirts, no more styrofoam cone, boob grabbing, flashing people in the upstairs room. No more "pot roast", or those pesky Italians (love you Norma) - no more Thursday night karaoke/crew meetings well ... let's not be too hasty now.
All in all it has been a fantastic run. I am sad to see it go, but then again ... Monkey House does start auditions in December. Hey Todd...!